Part 1, the past


A)    actual and predicted both start at 0 on 1974 but as time goes on predicted starts to separate and go up in the charts.

B)     In 2006 computers have 5000 mips.


C)    Computers are 5000 Mips faster than the Altair


D)    Some what there are some flaws in Moores laws it could be better.


E)     The computers today are  5000.000001








Part 2: The future.

A)    The curve in the future is the same as predicted in the present graph.

B)     I think computers will exceed human brain power in 2030 0r 2031

C)    Probably about 40

D)    No all they could do is think like a human they couldn’t walk or move objects and other human like things



A)    in the year 2000 0r 2002

B)     I think a  lizard or something to that effect

C)    I thought  it was 2030 or 31 and I was right

D)    I have no idea but if computers get to smart they might try to overrule humans  lol

E)     Yea because we would have someone to talk to that could hold a convocation with us.

F)     I don’t think nothing of it because we need more artificial intelligence for video games


Part 4:super computer speed over time

A) about 1e-03

B) They get faster and stronger

C) it stays the same unless u are a smarty pants and are hecka smart

D) in about year 2015

E) about 2030 and  the brain power of computers will be massive

F) no they are just as smart as we are

G)stop building A.I